I've just recently gone around the house swapping out all the 50W GU10 spot lamps for their LED equivalent. Prices on the web have dropped to well bellow £3.00 each when purchased in bulk. The only trouble is I now have a box full of partly used 50W incandescent spot lamps. However, as I have a workshop and a little used studio, all populated with old drawing office angle-poise lamps I decided to re-cycle the lamps in these beautiful old fittings. The CFL (compact fluorescent light) spot lamps are really expensive and give a very poor light when they get old. So having dredged through several of the auction sites I came across these nifty little adapters shown below.
I'm now using the 50W lamps is wasting energy but throwing them away is too. However, they were use four at a time in the fittings we have in each room, that 200W just to light the lounge, reusing theses lamps one at a time isn't too bad! I reckon my supply of second user lamps should see me OK for the next twenty years. These adapters are also available in ES (Edison Screw type). You could, if the fitting allows, use them to put LED spot lamps in your favorite retro angle-poise! When looking for these adapters use the terms "BC to GU10" or "ES to GU10 adapters".